Dr. Gabor Maté Reflection Paper

Leedy submission.pdf


Dr. Gabor Maté Reflection Paper


Acelia Leedy


My name is Acelia Leedy and I am 38 years old, married and living with my husband in our house in South Bound Brook that we purchased 8 years ago. I graduated from Rutgers University as a double major in 2005. I received 2 Bachelor’s degrees, one in Journalism and the other in Political Science with a 3.89 GPA. Not everything went as planned and life happened; I fell into addiction myself for quite a while. I have now been clean for 2 ½ years with the help of NA and many counselors that changed my life. I want to take my past, which is full of lying, manipulation, stealing, guilt, shame and many other things that would never have happened if I had not been addicted to heroin, and help other people. Someone in the middle of a nasty addiction is most likely in the darkest spot of their life. It only takes one person to make a difference in someone’s life and I want to be that someone for even just one person. I want to be the voice for myself, who is now clean for longer than I ever thought possible, and for the many friends I have
lost to addiction.
This was a paper about Dr. Maté's book In the Realm of Hungry Ghosts including research regarding his theory about addiction.


Created for Courtney Battista's Assessment and Treatment of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction course.




Copyright Acelia Leedy. This item should not be downloaded, copied, or used without permission.







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