Visual Identity: Inari Fine Teas and Accessories

Lopez submission (2).jpg


Visual Identity: Inari Fine Teas and Accessories


Sarah Lopez


I am a Visual Arts major at RVCC. I have an extensive background in traditional art, but I had been unable to continue my education until fairly recently. Coming to RVCC has been a very important step on my journey to developing my future career. With this project, my intention was to utilize my knowledge of color, composition, and typography to develop a visual identity. Developing the Inari brand has helped me to understand the importance of visuals in branding, and has primed me for working with clients in the future.
For this project, I was tasked with conceiving of and then designing a complete visual identity for a fictitious, yet plausible company/business based on the name and character traits of a singular, mythological figure. I chose the Japanese deity “Inari,” who is the “god/goddess” of foxes, fertility, rice, tea, agriculture and industry and of general prosperity and worldly success. I decided on “Inari Fine Tea and Accessories” as my company and designed the logo to include the likeness of a fox combined with a capital “I” letterform and two teacups. After the logo was created, I designed the rest of the visual identity which includes: a double-sided business card, a double-sided envelope, and a functional letterhead. The entire project was created in Adobe Illustrator using only two spot colors.


Created for Darren McManus's Visual Design I course.




Copyright Sarah Lopez. This item should not be downloaded, copied, or used without permission.







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Visual identity design