An Analysis of the Admissions Office Services at Raritan Valley Community College


An Analysis of the Admissions Office Services at Raritan Valley Community College


John Vargas Escobar, Alexandra Hernandez Mejia, Lorean Hofer, Daisy Cifuentes


John Vargas Escobar - My name is John Vargas, I am a first generation student. Aspiring to pursue a career in the corporate world in the area of finance. I love spending time with friends. In my free time enjoy watching dramatic shows and movies and going to the gym. This project pushed me, because it applied the subject I learned into a real life situation. It helped me push and improve my researching capabilities. I also enjoyed it because it benefits Raritan Valley Community college and aids me in giving back to it.
Alexandra Hernandez Mejia - I am a Sophomore at RVCC. I plan to transfer to Rutgers University in the Fall pursuing a degree in Biology or Public Health and continuing my path towards Medical School. During my free time, I listen to music, dance, and play video games. This project helped me with my academic pursuits because as someone who wants to study public health, I have to understand what are the needs of the general public and how the policies are established based on those needs. Similarly, working on this project I was able to use data from a sample of students at the college in order to create a meaningful analysis that can serve as a guide for Admissions on how to change or improve their services for students.
Lorean Hofer - I am currently a Sophomore at Raritan Valley pursuing a degree in Business Administration. Outside of academics, I am involved on campus through the Honors College, Rotaract, and as an officer of our Phi Theta Kappa chapter. I plan on finishing my Associate's Degree this spring and pursuing a degree in accounting at a 4-year institution, eventually using what I have learned through my studies to become a CPA. This project allowed me to analyze real-life data and use the results to tailor services to the consumer base's needs, a skill set that will be invaluable in my career in the business world.
Daisy Cifuentes - I am a first-generation college student coming from immigrant parents and a large family, and I am pursuing a career in microbiology. This field interested me because I love research and I love learning more about new things, especially things that interest me-- which is usually anything molecular biology. Some of my hobbies include drawing, painting, and reading, which are actually hobbies I often take advantage of in my research, whether that be making my own diagrams and pictures explaining certain processes, or reading scientific papers to better learn how to properly understand them. My current goals and ambitions are to go into microbiology and biotechnology, hopefully to work in a research lab. My goal with this project was to gain a better understanding of how to apply my understanding of statistics into my research, as a major part of research is the statistics that prove whether or not the research is significant. I hoped to gain a better understanding in putting together and interpreting the data and how to best present that data in a way it could be understood by everyone.
The purpose of the research was to determine the peak times that services are being requested at the Admissions Office at Raritan Valley Community College. This data was sought out in order to prioritize and accommodate students’ needs and assure the availability of staff members. The population of interest is students attending Raritan Valley Community College. The survey provided was used to determine what time the students were requesting help, what type of student they were, the length of their meeting with the Admissions officer based on the duration of the survey completion time, the age of the student requesting help, and the purpose of their visit to the Admissions Office.


Created for Lynne E. Kowski 's Statistics Honors course.




Copyright John Vargas Escobar, Alexandra Hernandez Mejia, Lorean Hofer and Daisy Cifuentes. This item should not be downloaded, copied, or used without permission.





Original Format

Research essay with graphs


Cifuentes, Hernandez, Hofer, Vargas math.pdf



John Vargas Escobar, Alexandra Hernandez Mejia, Lorean Hofer, Daisy Cifuentes, “An Analysis of the Admissions Office Services at Raritan Valley Community College,” RVCC student coursework exhibits, accessed May 16, 2024,